total textile lover.

i love to sew my own designs and creations, and i sell those creations to stores, individuals, at craft shows, and online. however, i am also a realist and know that this season of having some time to sew is quickly coming to an end! i stay home with 3 kids and i also homeschool said 3 kids! each year, the workload increases a little and they are ready for more activities, and my free time shrinks just a little.

so, two years ago i asked the lord to help me with a fabric business. (half expecting nothing to happen because i wasn't sure if it was my wish/will or his wish/will) i was {and still am} a stay at home mom with no current income other than hugs & kisses:) and was NOT willing to apply for a loan to start this little dream. if God wanted me to do it, He would make it happen.

NO LIE--the next day was sunday and as i was in the nursery with my baby, a woman i kind-of knew just said to me "you should buy the fabric you use wholesale and sell it too! i want to give you the money to start off!"

folks, i just about fell out on the nursery floor! God is so good and he knew that i would question if it was really his plan if this had happened any other way. a week later she wrote a check for the amount i would need to get my foot in the door with a fabric manufacturer. she told me quite sincerely that i could pay her back as my fabric sold, or not at all. *she did not want me to be anxious about the money*. whether she saw that money again or not was not the point to her. when her own shildren were small,she had help starting an at home business, and she wanted to do that for someone else. she said that the body of christ should be doing this for each other!

i think i was stunned and a little awkward and said i would pay her back and mumbled thank you. she gave me a hug and said how excited she was for me.

now, mind you, she didn't REALLY know me at all! and i wondered, should i take this start up money? i don't really like to take too much help! but every time i questioned, i laughed at how unmistakable God made it for me. i took the money and paid her back in full within a few months:) my wheels had started rolling, and that's what i had needed! i pray that God would greatly bless her for investing in the life/business of another:)

well, i have enjoyed a year and a half of fabric selling bliss and i am still going thanks to that little start up loan :)

in a few days, i will be getting a shipment of 135 yards of brand new fabric! it always feels just like christmas for me:) my kids totally get a kick out of me!

and that's what you've been seeing here all along my post! the new fabric headed my way:) just wanted to share with you the AMAZING way that God chose to start my fabric business, and to encourage you to deliberately ask Him for the specific desires of your heart! of course He knows them already, but He wants us to ASK!
SO today i am thankful for my new fabric arriving soon
for my fabric business
for the lovely woman who stepped away from what is "normal" to help me
for the awesome God who delights to give us the desires of our hearts, no matter how insignifigant they may seem!
how awesome is that! God answers our prayers in only ways HE can imagine, and I LOVE THAT. so much better than our own desires and dreams! :)
so neat!
love your fabrics - so beautiful!
lovely fabrics, Marie! What a wonderful thing to be thankful for!
That is so neat. I didn't know the background behind you starting your business. God is so good. I love all the fabrics you pick out. You have such an eye for fabrics! Keep up the good work. I love it.
praise jesus! oh, i love you!
Oh wow! I love when God does what only He can do!!! Keep praising Him girl! I'm fixing to go do a little fabric shopping... I want some of this "God stuff" for my headbands! Xxooo
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